Directory of Women’s Media
Annual 1975-1989 and 2002-2017
Notice: The 2017 edition was the last edition of the Directory of Women’s Media.

2017 Directory of Women’s Media (ISBN: 0-930470-37-0 / ISSN: 1040-1156)
Information about the Directory and about the Women’s Institute for Freedom of the Press (WIFP)
Part I: International directory of media by and about women:
print periodicals / internet ‘zines / publishers / media organizations / news services / radio groups / film and video groups / music groups and websites / theater/art groups and websites / media websites / bookstores / email lists / media bloggers
Part II: Media Philosophy Section
$38.00 institutions (plus shipping & handling*)
$28.00 individuals – prepaid (plus shipping & handling*)
(For women’s media listed in the Directory of Women’s Media and for Associates of WIFP, special price: $18.00 each, prepaid, plus S&H*)
* For shipping & handling add $8 for the first copy, $2 each additional copy within the U.S.A. International airmail shipping & handling is $15 for the first copy, $4 for each additional copy.
A limited number of back issues of the Directory of Women’s Media are also available: annual 1975-1989 and 2002-2017. Please contact us for inquiries about back issues.
For more information, or to purchase other print editions of the Directory of Women’s Media, please contact:
Women’s Institute for Freedom of the Press
Washington, DC