Weaving Our Way: Personal Stories of Identity
Another WIFP booklet!
When discussing some of our life experiences in the WIFP office one day, we got onto the topic of identity. Then and there, the four of us decided to write essays about how we each currently view our own identities to share with each other and with others interested in this topic. We talked about putting together a book- let and invited a few others on the WIFP sta to join us in this endeavor.
It was clear that there are many aspects to identity. Not all are predetermined. We may be born in a particular country, live in various countries, be raised in a speci c culture, be exposed to and in uenced by other cultures, have a gender as- signed to us at birth that ts us or not, dis
cover our sexual orientation is accepted by society or not, come from a racial line of people that have a shared history or characteristics that others respond to in various ways. Some facets we choose to give meaning to while others are automatically given to us by the world around us.
Some aspects of our identity may change over time as our life experiences impact us. We weave our di erent experiences and perspectives into many varied yet intrinsically intertwined identities.
Hearing other stories of identity can broaden and enrich our own. It can create deeper understanding of the experiences and challenges of others. We can be empowered by the stories we hear and subsequently the stories we tell. May the stories we share here serve to encourage you to speak and write about how you weave together the aspects of the identity that you hold dear.
To read this booklet:
Click here for PDF of Weaving Our Way